
The operational management of electrical grids is becoming increasingly demanding. The effects of the energy transition, international electricity trading and t
the increasing interdependence of grids across Europe are having an ever greater impact on the operation of the electrical energy supply system.
DUtrain operates its own independent training centre in Duisburg in order to prepare the operating personnel of the grid and power plant control centres
optimally and efficiently for these tasks.

Company Training

In Company Training, the participants are the staff of the respective control centres of a company. The focus here is on an intensive examination of the technical
aspects of network and system management.

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Inter-Company Training
While company managers from one company take part in company training, managers from different companies work on a system image in parallel during inter-company training.

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Inter TSO Training

In courses that are carried out as Inter TSO Training, the participants are the staff of the respective control centres of the transmission system operators (TSO). In addition to the technical aspects of grid and system management, the focus is on the interaction between the interacting control centres.

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Gas network Training

Gas grids, regardless of whether they are transmission grids, distribution grids or grids of municipal energy suppliers, are monitored and controlled 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by corresponding grid control centres, just like electricity grids.

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